Available Title Examiners

On March 15, 2017, a request was posted at the Suffolk Registry of Deeds (the “Registry”) for title examiners interested in performing title examinations on behalf of the general public for a fee. The reason for the posting was to obtain the names of title examiners working at the Registry who would be interested in working with members of the general public who contact the Registry requesting the services of a title examiner. The following five (5) title examiners responded and are available to conduct title examinations upon your request. The Registry supplies these names as a constituent service to accommodate your title examination needs.

The Registry in no way recommends the title examiner, endorses the work performed, or guarantees the accuracy of any work performed.

Title Examiner Phone Email
Haydee Hartzell 857-928-4276 haydeehartzell@hartzell-title.com
Greg MacInnis 617-680-8235 gregmacinnissuffolk@gmail.com
Kevin Quirk 617-429-7903 kevin@quirktitle.com
Lisa Yucius 857-939-9641 phoenixtitle@hotmail.com
Colin Wehrung 617-207-0027 colin@jcwtitle.com