Dukes County Registry of Deeds

FY’24 Year End Report

FY’24 demonstrated a continued decrease in overall real estate activity impacted by the higher interest rates along with a lack of inventory. The Registry experienced a 12% decrease in overall revenue in comparison to the previous fiscal year and a 46% decrease if...

Registered Land Seminar

On Friday, September 20th, 2024, we had the pleasure to have Honorable Judge Robert B. Foster, Chief Title Examiner Christina T. Geaney, and Chief Surveyor Stephen T. LaMonica on the island and hold a Registered Land Seminar for our Dukes County community. The seminar...

Increase In Massachusetts Homestead Exemption

In August of 2024 the Governor approved an Act that amends the Massachusetts declared homestead exemption from $500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00. See August 2024 Amendment here. https://malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2024/Chapter150 On August 6, 2024, Session Law...

Registered Land Seminar

The Registry of Deeds will be offering a Registered Land Seminar on September 20th at the MV Museum with Land Court Judge Robert B. Foster, Chief Title Examiner Christina T. Geaney, and Chief Surveyor Stephen T. LaMonica. This event provides a unique opportunity to...