
The Registry of Deeds is the primary office for real property records in Middlesex South County. The Registry receives and records hundreds of thousands of documents each year, and is a basic resource for title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities, homeowners, and others with a need for secure, accurate, and accessible land record information. The Registry is a County office operated under the supervision of the Register of Deeds, an elected County official. By virtue of the office, the Register of Deeds is also an Assistant Recorder of the Massachusetts Land Court. Transactions recorded in the land court section of the Registry deal with registered land, the title to which is insured by the Commonwealth.

At the Registry it is possible to determine property ownership, to research land titles and to acquire copies of recorded documents and plans. You may also order a copy of your deed through the mail. Boards of Assessors depend on the Registry to furnish them with copies of all property transfers and related matters to enable them to keep municipal ownership records up to date.

The Registry provides a permanent public record of the title to property. In doing so, it places the public legally on notice as to that title, and thereby provides protection for the rights of ownership. The Registry is also a resource for historical and genealogical research.