Dukes County Registry of Deeds

Located in the County Courthouse in Edgartown

All records at the Registry are available in printed form dating back to the 1600’s.
Serving the towns of Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Gosnold, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury and West Tisbury
Located in the County Courthouse in Edgartown

Obtain a Deed

A certified copy of your deed may be obtained from the Registry of Deeds


A major revision to Massachusetts Homestead Law took effect in 2011

Book Vault

Access Recorded Land Books not on the Mass Land Records site

Town Assessor's Database

View each Town Assessor’s information online

Consumer Notification Service

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Sales Map

Use our interactive map to see what’s selling in Dukes County

Paulo C. DeOliveira

Paulo C. DeOliveira

Register of Deeds, Dukes County


Thank you for visiting the Dukes County Registry of Deeds website. You can find everything you need to know about the requirements for preparing, filing and researching deeds and other registry documents here. Our site offers a wide range of information and features that we hope you will find useful.

Thank you,

Paulo C. DeOliveira
Register of Deeds, Dukes County

1970-1973 Grantor/Grantee Index Books are now available online

The below index books are not available on Mass Land Records, however, they are now available here as a PDF.  The "bookmark" feature in Adobe will allow you to quickly search page/sections alphabetically.  Please reach out to the Registry with any questions regarding...

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Consumer Alert!

There are out of state companies that continue to to prey on unsuspecting homeowners by sending a direct mail solicitation asking them to send a check for $83/$95 in order to receive a copy of their deed or other assessment information. They are often labeled as...

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