Dukes County Registry of Deeds

Registry News and Notes

eNotarization status

PRIA (Property Records Industry Association) published the status of electronic notarization in the U.S., as of August 2018. House Bill 1498 - "An Act modernizing notary services" is hoping to bring electronic notarization to Massachusetts.  

Registered Land Documents are online!

We are happy to share that as of today, all registered land documents and plans dating back to 1908 are now available on MassLandRecords.com; as you know, this is a big accomplishment that we are very proud of. In the coming year we will be focusing on scanning...

Emergency Response Preparedness Training

Edgartown police officer Jamie Craig, commander of the Martha’s Vineyard tactical response team, lead an emergency response preparedness training at the Edgartown Public Library with the Dukes County courthouse staff on November 13th. We would like to thank officer...

FY’18 Registry Report

November 30, 2018 To the Citizens of Dukes County, Due to several large sales, Deeds Excise in FY’18 was strong, totaling overall about 1% higher than the previous fiscal year.  However, there was an overall 7% decrease in recording revenue to the County...

Courthouse Closure Thursday 11/8/18

Please be aware that the Dukes County Courthouse (including the Registry of Deeds) will be closed to the public Thursday November 8th for emergency repairs to the heating system. The building is expected to reopen again Friday November 9th. If you have a closing...

Evolution of the US Land Registry Webinar

The Property Records Industry Association, commonly known as PRIA announced the “Evolution of the US Land Registry” webinar which is happening Thursday, October 25 at 3 p.m., ET presented by Zach Zaharek, Sr. corporate counsel, Data Trace. This webinar is...