Dukes County Registry of Deeds

Registry News and Notes

Customer Notification System Down for Maintenance

According to the Sec of State's Office, the Customer Notification System will be down for maintenance on 12/26 from 4:30 PM – 8:30 PM while the server is upgraded. This maintenance will not affect existing customers; it will be unavailable to those attempting to sign...

New Memorandum from Land Court Chief Title Examiner

Land Court Chief Title Examiner Christina Geaney has issued a new memorandum in regards to guideline 14 - Death: The Effect of Death upon Registered Land Titles. This memorandum supersedes previous memo dated October 13, 2012.  

FY’19 Year End Report

To the Citizens of Dukes County,We experienced an overall 2.4% decrease in revenue during FY’ 19 as compared to the previous fiscal year. The major difference was the drop in the number of documents recorded. Excise continues to be healthy and came in 12%...