Foreclosure Assistance & More
Martha’s Vineyard Mediation Program (MVMP)
MV Mediation offers FREE services on housing cases. As part of the Eviction Diversion Initiative, their housing coordinators are working with other community mediation centers and organizations throughout the state devoted to helping with the housing crisis brought on by the pandemic. They can also refer you to agencies where financial support is available. If you have any questions regarding the Housing Mediation Program contact them at: or call them at 508.693.2199.
Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc.
Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, Inc. (NOAH) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of MA residents. They conduct weekly foreclosure prevention & loan modification workshops every Monday (except for Monday holidays) at 5:30 PM in both English and Spanish at their 143 Border Street, East Boston headquarters. For more information, please call 617-418-8264.
Cape Cod Consumer Assistance Council, Inc.
The Consumer Assistance Council is a non-profit organization based in Hyannis and works on broad consumer issues including automobile repairs and sales, home improvement, debt collection and credit problems, shopping rights, and also landlord/tenant disputes. For more information, please call 508-771-0700.
Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations
For additional information regarding foreclosures, preventing mortgage abuse, foreclosure-related scams and more you can visit the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations.
Homeowners Options For Massachusetts Elders – H.O.M.E.
A charitable nonprofit agency, H.O.M.E. is dedicated to protecting the equity of low and moderate income elder homeowners. Please click this link for H.O.M.E. information.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Visit the Department of Veterans’ Services website for information regarding the VA Home Loan Program, the Home for the Brave Home Loan Program and Military Forbearance Options.